Wednesday 1 October 2014

Breif Evaluation of Recreation

What worked well- Personally I feel that we did a very good job of recreating this film to the best of our ability considering the equipment and space that we had to work with. We managed to get almost most of the original footage recreated and did so at a high standard. I was very impressed with myself, personally, for my acting as the man shaving. Even though there was no dialogue I ensured that I didn't looking at the camera during shooting etc. I feel as a group we done a good job of the shooting and making fake blood and working to get it done after a few barriers and misunderstanding's in the group. Our set was good however it was smaller than expected. However we had the opening mirror and it was a white bathroom looked very affective as the set for our remake of "The Big Shave".

Where we could have improved- I fell that we could have improved massively if we were to become more organised and work better as a team. This would increase the quality of our recreation massively by allowing us to view the set that was desired and to research closer into how we could go about shooting this and were we could set in instead to give us more room to work with.

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