Monday 6 October 2014


Story- Plot
Narrative-how the story is told

Narrative theory-

Tzvetan Todorov---
Image result for todorov

Equilibrium-means everything is in balance
Disequilibrium- the balance is broken and unbalanced  
New equilibrium- attempting to re-establish the equilibrium

Roland Barthes---
Image result for Barthes

Technical codes
camera angles/edit
lengths/sound etc.

Verbal codes
what people say in the films/dialogue

Symbolic codes
e.g. red rose -romance
     ragged clothes-poverty

Vladimir Propp---
Image result for Propp
Character type

Character Type
Role within narrative
(or Hero)
Leads the narrative, is usually looking for something (a quest) or trying to solve something (a mystery). Does not have to be male
(or Villain)
Gets in the protagonist’s way
Is usually some sort of prize or reward for the hero NB if your hero is female, your heroine can be male
An authority figure who offers a reward to the hero for completing their quest. That reward might be a prince or princess or a cool new job
Helps the hero – often acts as a sidekick
Gives the hero something- a clue, a talisman, a special power – which helps the complete their quest
Teaches and guides the hero

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