Monday 20 October 2014

Script (Practice 2 mintute Opening)

Credits Roll

Ricardo deals the cocaine and we see mime of this he sits and counts his money.

Ricardo Garcia- Look at all my shit ha ha HA! *Freeze*

Music— “DR DRE FT SNOOP DOGG- Still Dre” Plays throughout

Snap to car pulling in the drive BUCK and FIZZ exit the car (shot of lower body no face pull out guns from the boot and sneak to front door they bang on the door and bodyguards go to the scene one body guard is knocked out by Buck

BUCK- Times up motherfu (gun shot by FIZZ sound interrupts)

Body Guard drops down dead

FIZZ- opps…

BUCK- Why do you have to be so stupid?!

Ricardo points gun at FIZZ (sound effect of cocking gun)

BUCK creeps behind Ricardo and hides behind a box. camera shot through the Scope BUCK shoots Ricardo
Ricardo Drops down Dead
BUCK- Sneaky Fucking Spaniard 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Character profiles & Casting (practice 2 minute film opening)

Character profiles & Casting

Fizz - Buck is a long time serving member of the police force. He is a well known and appreciated member of the force. He is getting old and wants to pass on all the tricks of the trade to his son Fizz. Him and his son are so famous that they are almost above the law.
 The actor we have chosen to play Buck is Patrick Setters. We have chosen him as he is of the correct age to play the role of Buck and also has the look of an old policeman. Pat has a lot of experience handling fire arms as he was in the army for three years. This means that Pat is safe to handle props such as fire arms for the short film opening if needed.

Buck -Fizz is the son of long time policeman Buck. They have a close father son relationship and work together well to get a job done. He is a training policeman in his early 20's. Unlike his father, Fizz has no problem with acting outside the law to get the job done. Both Fizz and his father are serious about their job and won't let anyone get in the way.
 The actor we have chosen to play Buck is Jake Setters. We chose Jake as he is a successful actor within the National Youth Theatre and has appeared in many stage productions. Also as Jake is Pat's real son they automatically look like father and son, making the role of Buck and Fizz more believable. Jake has also been trained in stage combat so is safe to use prop weapons safely.


Ricardo Garcia - Ricardo Garcia is a well known drug dealer of Cuban Cocaine. His parents were killed in front of him by the Cuban police force when he was only 6 years old, this is why him and his grandfather (another well known dealer) immigrated to England to carry on the family business of drug dealing.  The actor we have chosen to play Ricardo Garcia is Michael Gukas, A level Drama student. He is a very talented actor and singer and has taken part in many stage productions. Michael is a very natural swagger about him which makes him perfect for the role of Ricardo.

Wednesday 15 October 2014


Examples of other action film openings:

The Spy Who Loved Me - James Bond

In this opening we see James 
Bond leave a wooden lodge
after a night with a girl,
classic bond! He makes a swift
exit leave on skis traveling down
the snowy cliffs when he is
confronted by a group of spy's
that start a icy chase with shots
being fired. James Bond manages
to dodge all the bullets and
explosions to then turn around
and shoot bullets from the end of
this ski pole killing off the spy's and finally bailing of the side of the cliff to fall quickly and leave audience in suspense until he reveals his parachute to float slowly to ground. This parachute is of the Great British flag.

Fast and Furious 4
In the opening of this film we start with a high speed chase where Vin Diesel is on a run at hijacking fuel tanks on the highways of the Dominican Republic, While his girlfriend Letty is hanging on for her life after jumping off the fast moving fuel tank with no drive after the drive was quickly brought to see the near edge of the road and jumped out without hesitation. Vin Diesel is rationally trying to save Letty driving in reverse at high speeds hanging out of the window grabbing Letty and pulling her onto the bonnet of the car. The fuel tank hits a lump in the ground and continues to roll continuously narrowly avoiding Vin and Letty's car and exploding.   

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Protagonist- Shrek
Villain- Fairy God Mother + Prince Charming
Heroine-Shrek and Fionna
Helper- Donkey
Mentor- Donkey + Puss in boots


Shrek starts of with its equilibrium of an ogre with the name Shrek living happily in his swamp, having fun scaring of the local humans who are trying to kill him because of what he is. He lives is an existing state of harmony.

This is soon disturbed by the disequilibrium, when Lord Farquaad forces all magical creatures into his swamp. Lord Fakwars troops gathering up all magical creatures and puts them into cages. This is also when Shrek meets Donkey.

The new equilibrium is followed as the dragon which was seen during the film (another enigma code) eats Lord Farquaad and the evil forces are defeated, the conflict is resolved and harmony exists once more with Shrek and Fiona getting married.

Monday 6 October 2014


Story- Plot
Narrative-how the story is told

Narrative theory-

Tzvetan Todorov---
Image result for todorov

Equilibrium-means everything is in balance
Disequilibrium- the balance is broken and unbalanced  
New equilibrium- attempting to re-establish the equilibrium

Roland Barthes---
Image result for Barthes

Technical codes
camera angles/edit
lengths/sound etc.

Verbal codes
what people say in the films/dialogue

Symbolic codes
e.g. red rose -romance
     ragged clothes-poverty

Vladimir Propp---
Image result for Propp
Character type

Character Type
Role within narrative
(or Hero)
Leads the narrative, is usually looking for something (a quest) or trying to solve something (a mystery). Does not have to be male
(or Villain)
Gets in the protagonist’s way
Is usually some sort of prize or reward for the hero NB if your hero is female, your heroine can be male
An authority figure who offers a reward to the hero for completing their quest. That reward might be a prince or princess or a cool new job
Helps the hero – often acts as a sidekick
Gives the hero something- a clue, a talisman, a special power – which helps the complete their quest
Teaches and guides the hero

Friday 3 October 2014

Stop Motion

What is stop motion?- Stop motion is a cinematographic technique whereby the camera is repeatedly stopped and started, for example to give animated figures the impression of movement.

Wallace and Gromit is a great and very famous example of stop motion. Here we see a very professional take on stop motion. The seamless changes between the photographs to make the film rum smoothly, this is done by the shear time and effort put into the making of this where the movements of characters and objects have been moved very little every time they took the next shot, this also means that each say 10 seconds of the clip with have hundreds if not thousands of shots to make it all happen. 

The making of one of the Wallace and Gromit films in 5 minutes-   


Wednesday 1 October 2014

Breif Evaluation of Recreation

What worked well- Personally I feel that we did a very good job of recreating this film to the best of our ability considering the equipment and space that we had to work with. We managed to get almost most of the original footage recreated and did so at a high standard. I was very impressed with myself, personally, for my acting as the man shaving. Even though there was no dialogue I ensured that I didn't looking at the camera during shooting etc. I feel as a group we done a good job of the shooting and making fake blood and working to get it done after a few barriers and misunderstanding's in the group. Our set was good however it was smaller than expected. However we had the opening mirror and it was a white bathroom looked very affective as the set for our remake of "The Big Shave".

Where we could have improved- I fell that we could have improved massively if we were to become more organised and work better as a team. This would increase the quality of our recreation massively by allowing us to view the set that was desired and to research closer into how we could go about shooting this and were we could set in instead to give us more room to work with.