Sunday 15 February 2015

Fallen - Editing

Editing our film played a huge part in the overall finished product. We new from the very start that we were going to need to use slow motion, zoomed shots, fading shots and to straighten and scale each shot so that each shot was perfect. To start with we pieced the shots together into a simple "one after the other" formation, this helped us to see whether any shots that were missing that were essential or if there was poor continuity between shots. After checking this over we started to edit the shots, shortening them to make for a smooth flowing film. We first realised that every time we went to press the stop and start button on the camera it wobbled because of the lack of stability from the tripod. Therefore when editing we cut a second or two off the beginning and the end in order to rid of this wobble and to start action seamlessly. 

We then needed to slow down the shot were petals fall onto the face of our character therefore changed the "speed and duration" of the shot shown here...

However as you can see here the footage isn't very straight therefore we straightened this by rotating the footage and zooming in slightly this also helped to get rid of the banister what was visible and to create a focal point onto the character face to draw attention from the audience.
When filming we wanted to use two cameras in order to get perfect continuity, however when we used both cameras at the same time because of the different light sensors on the two different cameras the shots looked different so I had to colour correct the images as much as possible to make them look similar.


Thursday 5 February 2015

Fallen - After Filming

After filing our coursework we have started to put the clips together and in order cutting clips here and there. However we are in two minds with sound we don't know if we are going to use we would need to make sure that we dub the audio so its mostly just sound effects so whether to use purely non-diegetic sound or to incorporate diegetic and non-diegetic sound to give more of a sense that its real than just having music playing. But when researching art house horrors I've found that a lot of them use no diegetic sound at all.

So overall I think that we will mix both sounds together to make the movie feel more real having sounds that stand out, for example the roaring fire and the sound of the ticking clock.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Final Location Decision

After receiving an email back from the owner of the private property(mentioned in my location research), we have been granted permission to use the property in order to film our 2 minute opening. The owner was very intrigued by our project and a link was sent to them to this blog so that they understood further exactly what our project is about. 


Friday 16 January 2015

As of today i still need to complete...

1. Add more audience research videos and edit together a final cut Audience research video.
2. Update on casting (video)

Thursday 15 January 2015

Casting Feedback and Judgment

After carrying out the casting for our video we felt all 3 actors were strong and talented however when it came down to how we as a group had pictured Jenny's character to look and be like Jemima was the strongest candidate for the role. She had a quirky, abstract character when casting and knowing her personally through A level Drama I know that her performing is outstanding and I could see that she was good in the light of the camera.  

Jenny- Played by Jemima Solway

More acting by Jemima Solway

Thursday 8 January 2015

Fallen - Target Audience

The target audience we have chosen is male and female viewers ageing between 25-40, we chose this age range because the film that we have decided to create fits with the conventions of an art house horror which in turn could contain some age restricted material and graphic images. Also however we feel that horror movies are for mature adults and these people would be most likely to see this film. Choosing adults has helped to give us almost no limitations on the content on the film within reason.

When doing our audience research we also tried to interview people of a similar age but then to interview some people our age to see a contrast of opinions and how they reacted to our idea to then get different views that will influence our final outcome. Where some of the younger interviewees thought more along the lines of, blood, killing, death and a killer, all conventions found in nearly all horror movies. The adults thought deeper into the meaning of the film and the abstract portrayals that could be contained in the film.   

Fallen - Prop List

In order to create our film opening we will not need a lot of props because the focus point is on the settings, character and falling petals.

The props we will be using to create our two minute film opening are

- A HD video camcorder - To record the contents of our film opening in 1080p High Definition quality to get the best video results.
- A tripod - Used to stabilise the camera and to get consistent proxemics when needed 

-A Dolly - A three legged insert for the tripod that moves on wheels to get smooth and level moving shots when following the walking actress

-An SD card - Used in order to store the HD film and transfer easily over the computer at the time for editing.
- Fake Blood - Blood will be revealed when petals are wiped away from her face.
- Old Petals (red, pink&white) - Our focus point for the art house horror, the actress will have petals falling on her face in more than one scene.

-Headphones - Part of the costume but an important prop for the music scene where Jenny is walking home with music coming through her headphones.