Tuesday 16 December 2014

Fallen- Location Research

The ideal location we are planning on using is a large house that is situated far from existing life but also quite crooked and weary looking, however we want to see ancient beauty in the buildings foundation to suggest expense. Ultimately want the house to look scary and haunting which we should achieve using mainly the time of shooting, some editing but also the houses crooked, creaky build and feel. It needs that element of expense mentioned earlier to match the upper class lifestyle Jenny and their wealth is very important about the characteristics of her and her recently deceased family members also to create the family history. The most important elements of our desired location is for it to have a large stair case with a long banister on the top floor over looking the lower ground, this is important for the main event and climactic scene in our 2 minute opening.  

A location we have found that would be best available is Dunston Hall in Norfolk. It is an upper class hotel used for weddings and other events. It fits in perfectly with our desired location. this is because its has aged beauty in the foundations and is a very large expensive building with beautiful wood work on the staircase that have various banisters but still captures the old feel to the building.

Problems with this location is that it is a hotel and will be highly populated during most of the day so shooting may be a problem in order to get perfect shots without anyone slipping into the action by accident and also to contain the noise that could be a problem. Also the building we feel is too recognisable and doesn't create a realistic house because of its significance to many lives.
Finally we feel the building may look slightly to big and overwhelming to capture Jenny's family fortune and could be too large.  

A personal property 
Prior to Dunston hall being too big and unbelievable we researched houses that are closer and that also look more realistic as a house but still have the similar spooky, old setting that we hope to gain from it. This building has the balcony we are looking for and very old creaky stair cases over looking the ground floor and even better the entrance to help capture high level camera shots and a range of abstract shots from above. I know the owner personally this gives us hope when thinking about whether we will be granted permission.  
Sea Mere House at the front
Problems we face is that it is someone's home and private property therefore we must respect their will, meaning that we must have complete respect over their property.

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