Saturday 27 September 2014

Non Staining Fake blood recipe for "The Big Shave"

You will need:
  • Glucose syrup or corn flour (supermarket brand corn four is fine) and water
  • 1 teaspoon of red poster/powder paint (check the label first)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground coffee granules such as Nescafe or cocoa powder
Simply mix the glucose syrup with the paint and then add coffee granules or cocoa powder to darken the mixture to the colour required… red poster/powder paint tends to be quite bright and primary so will need to be toned down to look realistic.
If using dried corn flour, then start with the volume of water you require for your final fake blood supply and keep adding heaped tablespoons until the viscosity gets to the intended level. Using warm (not boiling) water will help this dissolve, but wait until it has cooled sufficiently before you apply it to anything. 
This fake blood is non staining blood therefore wont stain any sinks or my skin. 

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Mise-en-scene in Romeo and Juliet

As a class we watched the first 6 minutes of the Romeo and Juliet film made in 1996. We were asked to look at the mise-en-scene and what the meaning was behind everything in the mise-en-scene. However we were then put into groups to discuses one element of the mise-en-scene, my group studied the film opening for the setting.
After analysis of the film opening we could see that there are 2 main settings, the motorway and the petrol station. First we see the Montagues in their car going down the motor way, we first know that this is set in America because of the road signs and the side of the road in which they are driving on.
These camera angles are all used in most films, each one is used for different meaning and have different effects on how piece of film is perceived. Throughout my A-level media I will use various camera angles in all film making and even just video blogs. 

Monday 22 September 2014

2 minute opening to "This is England"

In the opening of This is England we see a boy clearly dressed as a typical 80's kid, in flared trousers that almost look over worn and dirty which show the audience at first glance that this boy isn't an upper class child but is more of a lower class child. This idea is then re-illustrated through the setting of the town which is a rural English area with lots of terries houses and a lot of the buildings are old and covered in graffiti which show that this film is going to look at the rural areas of England past the upper class of London, Windsor etc. which makes a change from most films set in England.
However before we saw this we saw a montage of the rural images and videos from the 80's for example the football riots and fights and famous outrages in the 80's these are then contrasted with the recoding's of the royal weddings and other royal events that show the two sides of England.

In the opening few minutes of my week with Marilyn we see a montage of video's from Marilyn Monroe's past, when she was very famous and a very iconic figure to follow in the 60's. We see an array of videos of Miss Monroe on stage dancing, we see that the majority of the audience are male which instantly reminded about Marilyn's sexual iconic caricature. We then transfer to a rich household in London where we see the main character again after seeing him in the cinema watching Marilyn's film when we get a close up on to his face looking very pleased and in his element. Then when back in his household he seems very tense but exited for a job interview he is about to pursue in London, however excited he may be his dad doesn't seem as please for him, this is because his dad is clearly a very famous business mans and is set to get his into the same business to ensure he is just as successful as he is. However the young man doesn't seem so interested.   

Friday 19 September 2014

2 minute opening of Submarine

In the first 2 minute of the film submarine we see a pan of a children's bedroom with child like props to connote a child like boys room. We are then shown the boy sitting alone, on the floor, next to the window almost looking hopeless and deep in thought, this implies to the audience straight away that he is to be a very key character in the movie and that he's going to be a very quiet and alone boy that seems to prefer to be alone. Next to the boy on the wall we see a sticker of a submarine that shows the first relation to the film title which engages the viewer to the title and what meaning it could carry.
our first lot of dialogue is narrated over the panning of the room and the various shots of the boy. He says: "Most people think of themselves as individuals, like there's no one on the planet like them. This motivates them to get out of bed, eat food and walk around like nothings wrong. My name is Oliver Tate" This dialogue isn't very long and doesn't necessarily make complete sense however is clearly Oliver Tate's thoughts which suggests that only he knows what he truly feels. This then intrigues the viewers and makes them want to continue watching it to learn more about Oliver Tate's story.   

Thursday 18 September 2014

"The Big Shave" List of shots

What happens...
When and how long it happens for...
10 seconds
3 seconds
Toilet roll
3 seconds
Series of taps
0.5 seconds
Close up of tap
3 seconds
1 bigger tap
5 seconds
1 second
Tooth brush & cup
1 second
1 second
2 taps in the sink
2 seconds
Plug hole in sink
3 seconds
9 seconds
Man walks in looks in the mirror
7 seconds

Brief for "The Big Shave"

Casting- There is only one character in this short film which is a male character of a medium build and looks very much like an ordinary, everyday man.
Man - Owen Smith(me)
Music- the music used is very old and is almost jazz, it has a fast tempo. Copyright protection on this piece of music isn't an issue and we are using the original music from the short film which means because we aren't claiming the video as our own original piece copyright isn't an issue
Song - "I can't get started"
Artist - Bunny Berigans
Date created - 1937
Location- The original video is clearly shot back a long time ago which has made the location hard to replicate due to our modern fashion in bathrooms however we have decided to remake the short film in a new modern way meaning we will be using a modern bathroom. The one problem that we find ourselves in at the moment is finding a bathroom with a mirror that has storage inside and sliding doors as the mirror which we feel is an important part of the short film its self.
Props- there are very little prop use in this short film however what props that are used are very easy to get hold of because they are very ordinary everyday props used by most people.
Shaving Foam
Fake Blood
Cinematography equipment- because the film is very short and only has one location we won't need loads of equipment or multiple cameras because we can move the cameras to shoot different shots.
Video camera(1080p)This is to get the best HD recording possible.
Memory card(32gb)
Costume- costume isn't really a very big thing in the short film, in fact we very rarely see the mans clothing as his top is taken off at the sink and when shot the mans lower half or anything lower than the sink isn't often in shot however we have a small glimpse at the start and end.
White Top(most important)
Pyjama bottoms  

The Big Shave (1967)

Our task is to replicate this video shot for shot. We are going to remake this video of "The Big Shave" using me personally as the actor for the man shaving. this is because it will be a lot easy to find the time to shoot it and as its my own work I know that I will be reliable and ready to shoot on the day(s). We have been finding it hard to find a bath room to closely replicate this bathroom due the 'sliding mirror' and the "old, basic" bathroom.
We have closely  studied other remakes of this video on YouTube to research and look for how different people have done the blood in a sleek and seamless way much like the original. We have access to a few tubes of fake blood that I can hold to the back of the razor to keep it out of camera shot and lightly squeeze to release the blood onto my face. Copyright protection on the music is not an issue with shooting this and using the music because we are not claiming this as our own piece of film.