Tuesday 16 December 2014

Fallen- Location Research

The ideal location we are planning on using is a large house that is situated far from existing life but also quite crooked and weary looking, however we want to see ancient beauty in the buildings foundation to suggest expense. Ultimately want the house to look scary and haunting which we should achieve using mainly the time of shooting, some editing but also the houses crooked, creaky build and feel. It needs that element of expense mentioned earlier to match the upper class lifestyle Jenny and their wealth is very important about the characteristics of her and her recently deceased family members also to create the family history. The most important elements of our desired location is for it to have a large stair case with a long banister on the top floor over looking the lower ground, this is important for the main event and climactic scene in our 2 minute opening.  

A location we have found that would be best available is Dunston Hall in Norfolk. It is an upper class hotel used for weddings and other events. It fits in perfectly with our desired location. this is because its has aged beauty in the foundations and is a very large expensive building with beautiful wood work on the staircase that have various banisters but still captures the old feel to the building.

Problems with this location is that it is a hotel and will be highly populated during most of the day so shooting may be a problem in order to get perfect shots without anyone slipping into the action by accident and also to contain the noise that could be a problem. Also the building we feel is too recognisable and doesn't create a realistic house because of its significance to many lives.
Finally we feel the building may look slightly to big and overwhelming to capture Jenny's family fortune and could be too large.  

A personal property 
Prior to Dunston hall being too big and unbelievable we researched houses that are closer and that also look more realistic as a house but still have the similar spooky, old setting that we hope to gain from it. This building has the balcony we are looking for and very old creaky stair cases over looking the ground floor and even better the entrance to help capture high level camera shots and a range of abstract shots from above. I know the owner personally this gives us hope when thinking about whether we will be granted permission.  
Sea Mere House at the front
Problems we face is that it is someone's home and private property therefore we must respect their will, meaning that we must have complete respect over their property.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Fallen- Cating Videos

Name- Jemima Solway
Age- 17
Casting Role- Jenny
Name- Charlotte Sieboth
Age- 17
Casting Role- Jenny
Name- Emily Frosdick
Age- 17
Casting Role- Jenny

Monday 8 December 2014

Fallen-Casting Info

In the opening of our two minute film we only see one character fully:
Name: Jenny
Age: 17
Gender: Female 
Appearance: Blonde hair, innocent, quite small and preferably have a quite quirky interesting look.
Back Story: Fun loving girl who lives a normal life, upper class, lives with her dad. 

Were going to audition each of our actors by doing a casting video and first of all asking them to do improvisation with another male actor Michael/James and then putting a camera to their face and asking them to do nothing and seeing how they react just to see how they would look in front of a camera.

Different actors we plan to cast:
- Charlotte Seiboth
-Age 17

- Jemima Solway
-Age 17 

- Emily Frosdick
-Age 17

Fallen - Script

Shot from behind Jenny is walking home from work down a dark crooked path infested with trees.

      Jenny- -music PLAYING through HEAD PHONES

Shot from behind Jenny is walking home from work down a dark crooked path infested with trees.
      JENNY- -music PLAYING through HEAD PHONES-
Shots from the sides, front, close up, and shot of her feet walking.
Shots to Her house, we see her walking down the drive, too the Front door, its cracked open shots low at the door and feet walking in the door then high shot from the top of the stairs.
Shot from behind as she looks up at the ceiling then close up shot of the cold flaccid hand full of petals. Point of view shot from the hand as the petals fall onto Jenny's face. As she wipes the petals away, blood is revealed.
     JENNY- -Heavy breathing-
Jenny Runs up to the bathroom Shots are from in front and behind. She stops at a mirror and stares breathing heavily. Shots from the side and from the front as if looking into the mirror. She Runs to the bathroom to wash it off she runs a bath, as she leaves and returns she gets in the bath of water, the bath then fills with petals, Jenny drowns into the petals.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Fallen-Audience Research Questions

1.) What Generic conventions would you expect to see in the film opening of a horror film?

2.) Our idea is: To have one main character, a teenage girl. We see the girl walking back from her friend’s house, blaring out some music on her headphones. When she gets home the door is slightly cracked open. She starts to look around her house and as she looks up at the ceiling she sees a hand full of petals. The petals fall and cover her face, and when she wipes them away she's covered in cuts and blood. The film will then follow on to tell the story of how this strange event occurred. We find out that close friends and family members start dying out one by one and they start to haunt the teenage girl. The girl starts to panic and runs to wash it off in the shower and petals start to fall again.

- What do you think of our idea so far?

3.)What films have you seen where the opening two minutes have been memorable to you? Why?
4.) Do you have any other ideas that you would like to put forward for our film?

5.) After hearing the synopsis of our 2 minute opening, what kind of character would you expect to play the teenage girl?

6.) Would our opening sequence make you want to watch the rest of the film?


Monday 1 December 2014

Juno from "Juno"

Juno is rebellious, sarcastic, and rude, but charismatic. She usually says things without thinking them through and doesn't care what people think of her. She is a bit of a flirt. She can seem mean, but her softer side really shows when she cries after her baby's birth and adoption. In other words, Juno acts tough, but on rare occasions, she can get over-emotional. She doesn't seem to care much about her appearance. She is also tomboyish. She is very much a troubled teenager and after finding out about her pregnancy she becomes even more moody. She eats and drinks a lot.

Woody- Toy Story

Woody is a Toy Sheriff with his hat, boots and waist coat made from cow skin. He has the name of Andy, his "owner" on his right boot.
Woody is a really loyal toy who has been Andy's favourite toy since he was a little boy. Woody is determined, passionate, and would do anything for his nearest and dearest friends. He considers everyone as a family and he tries his best to keep his family together at all times. Yet, he is a flawed character. He has a lot of tendency to be very doubtful, angry, frustrated, uncertain, and sad, almost like a human. But despite his jumbled emotions, he tries his very best not to show them to his friends to seem brave and courageous, but he's not afraid to confront or comfort his friends with utmost care.

Erik Stifler- American Pie The Naked Mile

Erik Stifler, the let down of all Stiflers. The Stifler name is respected by everyone, known very well for their ability to drink a lot of alcohol, party hard and long and have a lot of sex. However Erik is very different to this, his respect for his girlfriend means that he doesn't want to rush into having sex with her. Although being very understanding Erik is desperate for it not only for his own personal reasons but also to lose the name of the odd one out and for people to call him by his last name rather than Stifler. When it finally comes around to Tracey (his Girlfriend) giving him a hall pass to the naked mile at the college he hopes to attend, full of naked girls and parties he jumps at it and his friends are very excited. His respect for his girlfriend means that he declines offers from girls but runs home driving and on horse back to get to Tracey to tell her he loves her, this leads to his first time having sex and is now named as Stifler as he has always wanted but decides he actually prefers being called Erik.  

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Genre with Student Made Films.


This horror movie is made by an A level student , its called Friend request, he gets a friend request on Facebook from someone he doesn't know, she likes various photos of his and messages telling him she is coming to his house. He looks out of the window and see a teddy bear hung at the fence, we see the girl walk past the door behind him, he is still unaware. This is all reasonably apparent to the audience however after this he seems to be in complete darkness and needs light of a candle to see, I assume that the lights have gone out however this was not apparent to me. After he turns the lights back on he sees the door shut and as he reaches for the handle it moves up and down vigorously without him touching it. He runs in a looks through her Facebook it's seems that she is dead and he is being haunted by a ghost. further up there are photos of him through the windows of his house. He goes to get a gun with for me isn't needed in the film but makes the character seem to fearless. The use of the creepy innocent girl with a teddy.

This horror movie is made my an A-level film. In it we see a girl walking home, over the top of this is quite slow but sharp music. She gets home and behind her in the window is masked man she is unaware of this, she sits down to watch TV the door the masked man puts his head through the open window, she still is oblivious, she goes up stairs to bed when the masked man and an associate they take her to an enclosed rooms and tie her up, she screams and resists she is then covered in fuel and burnt.
This film uses various Horror conventions such as the pacey loud, sharp music. The use of masked men is another Horror convention. When we see the women tied up and taped at the mouth it shows many horror movie conventions where the victim is trapped and immobilised.   

Action with Some Crime-
In Caught we see a man walking out of his house looking very pleased and happy, he gets into his car, however in the back seat is a man who puts him to sleep. The film jumps to the inside of a garage, here the man is tied up and the while the man from the car has a gun pointed to his head he wants answers, he then leaves to deal with one of the victims friends that's come to help, he returns and say his friend has been shot during the time he left the tied up man has released his hands and punches the gun out of his hand they fight. The victim is knocked out, as the gun is raised to shoot him another gun shot is heard and the friend, injured has returned to kill him and save his friend. During this film there are many conventions from action films such as the guns, fighting and hostility. Also the use of camera work is a good convention such as the lagged video that allow or a blurry duplicated clip to show unconsciousness.
In this short film we see a foreign drug dealer that receives a large amount of cocaine from a larger dealer, he pays him then takes a line of the cocaine to then find out that the cocaine is not cocaine at all he sends his associate to chase him and retrieve the money from him, they chase through the town and up a set of stairs to the roof of a multi-story building the dealer is trapped and the associate fights for the money back when down the associate is trapped and the dealer is ready to kill him however the associate sees a shape metal spike in the flower bed and uses it to counter and stab the dealer killing him and taking the money back. This film contains lots of Action conventions such as the cocaine, dealers, guns, high speed chases, fight scenes and the rural setting that makes the film look really professional. Also the slow motion and rewind shots are used in lots of action films like this to mark important moments and stunts which this film had done.

Forgotten Love- Film Idea(Practice in Pitching a Film)

PLOT- Henry has dementia. He is involved in a car crash and he ends up in hospital and can’t remember any family members because of his mental illness. He then meets Lola, a 60 year old nurse who is working on the ward. They fall in love because charming nature. Doctors are adamant that he stays for a few more weeks but he feels ready. Lola retires and runs away with Henry. We see this love until Henry dies the funeral is organised by his brother who invites people he has forgot as well as people he knew. Little did Henry remember that he already had a wife! throughout the film we see Henry's grandchildren looking longingly for him and his wife searching for him but little do we know that its actually his wife.
Michael Caine as Henry

Jessica Lange as Lola

Julie Walters as Henrys Wife

Opening 2 Minutes- Henry is in his car driving down the road when a young teen pulls out of the junction and hits Henry traveling at 50MPH he is servilely injured and the screen slowly fades black. 

Target Audience- Young Adults and older Women (16-50)  

Friday 21 November 2014

Genre With Profesional Films

Some Types of Genre-

Crime and Gangsta

(some ideas are taken from earlier posts on my blog and have been used to create a sing post purely on Genre)

Crime and Gangsta/ Comedy-

The film consists of Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega, two hit men who are out to retrieve a suitcase stolen from their employer, mob boss Marsellus Wallace. Wallace has also asked Vincent to take his wife Mia out a few days later when Wallace himself will be out of town. Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. The lives of these seemingly unrelated people are woven together comprising of a series of funny, bizarre and uncalled-for incidents. This film consists of generic conventions of an Action film, including gun fights, lots of heavy language, smoking and money. It also includes the main protagonist's and the rivalry between two sides that we expect to see from an action film. Comedy is also used in this film however is mainly based on our violent humour as an audience of Action films.

 In 21 jump street we see Schmidt and Jenko are high school students, one an honour roll geek, the other a cool, athletic underachiever. By 2012, they are rookie cops, paired together, on bike patrol yearning to make arrests. After a screw up, they're sent undercover back to high school to find the source of a dangerous synthetic drug. They mix up their names, and Schmidt gets the no-brainer classes where he auditions for Peter Pan and falls in love with Wendy; Jenko gets AP classes where he falls in with high-achieving dweebs. This second chance at high school gives Schmidt delusions of grandeur, which threaten the operation. This film is great example of a Crime/Gangsta film containing all the expected conventions such as the guns, fighting's, crimes, drugs, women but challenges these conversions setting it in a high school where they are undercover and has a sub story beneath it where Schmidt is desperately becoming attached to the change in high school life in which he is the most popular kid in school


In the opening of this film we start with a high speed chase where Vin Diesel is on a run at hijacking fuel tanks on the highways of the Dominican Republic, While his girlfriend Letty is hanging on for her life after jumping off the fast moving fuel tank with no drive after the drive was quickly brought to see the near edge of the road and jumped out without hesitation. Vin Diesel is rationally trying to save Letty driving in reverse at high speeds hanging out of the window grabbing Letty and pulling her onto the bonnet of the car. The fuel tank hits a lump in the ground and continues to roll continuously narrowly avoiding Vin and Letty's car and exploding

In this opening we see James 
Bond leave a wooden lodge
after a night with a girl,
classic bond! He makes a swift
exit leave on skis traveling down
the snowy cliffs when he is
confronted by a group of spy's
that start a icy chase with shots
being fired. James Bond manages
to dodge all the bullets and
explosions to then turn around
and shoot bullets from the end of
this ski pole killing off the spy's and finally bailing of the side of the cliff to fall quickly and leave audience in suspense until he reveals his parachute to float slowly to ground. This parachute is of the Great British flag. This contains many basic conventions of Action, these include the fast speed chases with loads of amazing stunts, guns and various crimes, a lot of murder and the use of specialist equipment such as the gun in the ski stick.


Once upon a time, the Kingdom of Erebor in the Lonely Mountain was taken from the dwarfs by the evil dragon Smaug. One day, the young Hobbit Bilbo Baggins is unexpectedly visited by the wizard Gandalf the Grey and twelve homeless dwarfs led by their former king Thorin and decided to vanquish Smaug and recover Erebor and their treasure. Bilbo joins the company in an unexpected journey through dangerous lands of the Middle-Earth where they have to fight against Trolls, Orcs and other magic creatures. Bilbo also meets the Gollum and finds his lost magic ring. This contains many adventure conventions such as the long journey traveling containing fantasy creatures and animals with one leader that is the superior being in the film    



The Devil Inside is set in Italy. A women becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism. The daughter is determined to find out the story of how her mother turned out like this and why all these exorcisms are happening. She goes through a series of processes to try and take the exorcism out of her mother and return her back to normal. An exorcism is a very common convention in a horror film. It challenges the conventions of a horror film and is clearly shown throughout the contents of this movie. The use of religion is also a very important convention in Horror movies that shows the work of the devil which is cleverly shown through-out this film.   

Scream is a great example of a classic horror movie where we see an average girl having a night in watching some movie's, she's cooking pop corn when her phone rings. A man on the other end explains that he can see her and explains exactly what she is doing and what she should do. She begins to worry and looks all her doors, he gets angry and ends up killing her. This is then discovered by the police and the masked, cold killer continues killing and taunting the police killing various people from his high school. There are many conventions of horror movies such as the cold killer and the use of death and weapon, a victim and blood. However this film challenges these conventions using the setting of a high school surrounding and also the use of masked human rather that some mythical creature that is born to kill!   

For our film we are going to use horror because we feel that the conventions are so strong and our overall understanding is good in order to create and exciting and thrilling horror movie.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Analysis of Big Fish

I really enjoyed Big Fish, it's mix of Adventure, Fantasy and Drama Genres merged well to create a believable but fun, enjoyable film. The episodic structure of the film helped to create an atmosphere in the audience of which we felt part of the film and as thought the stories were being told directly to us. However in some circumstances this became confusing as to how the film was structured. It also left us constantly questioning whether Edward Bloom's stories about his life were true or if they were all just lies to make events of his life sound more exciting. There were small foreshadows throughout the film that suggested truth such as when William Bloom was in his fathers shed and discovered letters from the army but also some foreshadow to say that it was lies such as when Ed was in hospital with will when Dr Bennett told Will of exactly how he was born. These were effective to keep the audience engaged in the films and caused us to develop our own opinions on how the film was going to finish.

This leads me to another piece of the film that I really felt helped make the story the audiences own. This was the end, we see William in the funeral after telling his a story about his death much like the stories he had been told as a child. At the funerals were all the characters from Edwards stories. This goes un-explained and we as an audience are left to decide fore ourselves weather this is reality or a story that goes unmarked.

Big Fish Trailer-2003-

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Making of The Heist (Practice 2 mintute Opening)

When making our Two Minute opening of the Heist we ran into some problems such as having to change the script. We had originally planned to use Body Guards in the film that would protect Ricardo and were used to create the climax after Fizz Shoots them accidently. When it came to our day for shooting the film the bodyguards were unavailable so change to the script was needed. In the end we decide that climax would be build through Fizz accidently pulling the trigger and firing his gun into the air allowing Ricardo to act on Fizz. We feel this was a better idea than our original idea because we wanted to condense the film down more because we felt the opening would become to full using un-needed characters to portray the opening meaning of the film. 

After shooting all the shots and ensuring they were of a great standard I started to put the clips together editing the shots, we condensed some of the longer clips that wasted our 2 minutes for example when walking out of Ricardo's Den the clip was 7 seconds, I then condensed it down to 3 minutes to keep the opening smooth and clean with constant action and movement. Our film had very little dialogue but used a song instead that ran over the whole opening this created a nice atmosphere and kept the audience drawn in because it became a lot more exciting with the use of music. It then came down to inserting sound effects such as gun shots, cocks and car door slams etc. I put these on a separate track and unlinked the original recorded sound and silence it then put the music on another track and inserted sound effects through on another track as shown here-
   If you look closely at the first section of audio on Audio Track 2 you can see it has a purple underline on it, this is were I have used a volume and a de-hummer effect to increase the volume and to cancel out any unwanted hum that I could hear.

Monday 10 November 2014


Classic films such as Pulp Fiction that create an Action Comedy. The film consists of Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega, two hit men who are out to retrieve a suitcase stolen from their employer, mob boss Marsellus Wallace. Wallace has also asked Vincent to take his wife Mia out a few days later when Wallace himself will be out of town. Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. The lives of these seemingly unrelated people are woven together comprising of a series of funny, bizarre and uncalled-for incidents. This film consists of generic conventions of an Action film, including gun fights, lots of heavy language, smoking and money. It also includes the main protagonist's and the rivalry between two sides that we expect to see from an action film. Comedy is also used in this film however is mainly based on our violent humour as an audience of Action films.

 More Modern films such as 21 Jump Street take these generic conventions of Action films such as Pulp Fiction and change them ever so slightly in order to create something new to meet the modern audience. Examples in taking the comedy element and extending it to meet the audience. In 21 jump street we see Schmidt and Jenko are high school students, one an honour roll geek, the other a cool, athletic underachiever. By 2012, they are rookie cops, paired together, on bike patrol yearning to make arrests. After a screw up, they're sent undercover back to high school to find the source of a dangerous synthetic drug. They mix up their names, and Schmidt gets the no-brainer classes where he auditions for Peter Pan and falls in love with Wendy; Jenko gets AP classes where he falls in with high-achieving dweebs. This second chance at high school gives Schmidt delusions of grandeur, which threaten the operation.

Monday 20 October 2014

Script (Practice 2 mintute Opening)

Credits Roll

Ricardo deals the cocaine and we see mime of this he sits and counts his money.

Ricardo Garcia- Look at all my shit ha ha HA! *Freeze*

Music— “DR DRE FT SNOOP DOGG- Still Dre” Plays throughout

Snap to car pulling in the drive BUCK and FIZZ exit the car (shot of lower body no face pull out guns from the boot and sneak to front door they bang on the door and bodyguards go to the scene one body guard is knocked out by Buck

BUCK- Times up motherfu (gun shot by FIZZ sound interrupts)

Body Guard drops down dead

FIZZ- opps…

BUCK- Why do you have to be so stupid?!

Ricardo points gun at FIZZ (sound effect of cocking gun)

BUCK creeps behind Ricardo and hides behind a box. camera shot through the Scope BUCK shoots Ricardo
Ricardo Drops down Dead
BUCK- Sneaky Fucking Spaniard